The results of the project were published in two monographs and a large number of peer-reviewed articles.
- Bollig, M. 2021. Materiality, Inequality, and Future-making as Focal Points of Future Engagement of Economic Anthropology with Climate Change. Economic Anthropology 8 (1): 180-182.
- Schnegg, M. 2021. Becoming a Debtor to Eat: The Transformation of Food Sharing in Namibia. Ethnos: 1-21.
- Schnegg, M. 2021. Eleven Namibian Rains: A Phenomenological Analysis of Experience in Time. Anthropological Theory: 1-23.
- Bollig, M. 2020. Shaping the African Savannah: From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in Namibia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bollig, M., Schnegg, M., and Menestrey Schwieger, DA. 2020. Ethnographic Upscaling: Exploring and Testing Hypotheses Drawn from In-depth Ethnographic Findings in Spatially Continuous Cases. Field Methods 32 (4): 346-364.
- Menestrey Schwieger, DA. 2020. When Design Principles Do Not Apply: The Role of Individual Commitment and “Voluntarism” in Maintaining Communal Water Supply in Northern Kunene, Namibia. Human Organization 79 (3): 216-225.
- Olwage, E. 2020. Under the Leadwood Tree: Disputing Pastoral Mobilities, Land-access and Translocality in Post-colonial Southern Kaoko. Dissertation. Universität zu Köln.
- Schnegg, M., and Lowe, E. (eds.) 2020. Comparing Cultures: Innovations in Comparative Ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Schnegg, M. 2020. Scaling Ethnography Up. In Schnegg, M., and Lowe, E. (eds.) Comparing Cultures: Innovations in Comparative Ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 133-152.
- Bollig, M. 2019. The Anxieties, Thrills, and Gains of Rarity and Extinction: From Discourses on Remnant Fauna to the Globalized Protection and Marketing of Endangered Wildlife in Namibia’s “Arid Eden”. In S. Gänger & M. Bollig (eds). Forum: Commodifying the “Wild”: Anxiety, Ecology and Authenticity in the Late Modern Era. Environmental History 24 (4): 703-710.
- Hebinck, P., Kiaka, R.D., and Lubilo, R. 2019. Navigating Community Conservancies and Institutional Complexities in Namibia. In Stone, M.T., Lenao, M., and Moswete, N. (eds.) Natural Resources, Tourism and Community Livelihoods in Southern Africa. London: Routledge: 64-77.
- Menestrey Schwieger, DA., 2019. Negotiating Water on Unequal Terms: Cattle Loans, Dependencies and Power in Communal Water Management in Northwest Namibia. Nomadic Peoples 23 (2): 241-260.
- Schnegg, M., 2019. The Life of Winds: Knowing the Namibian Weather from Someplace and from Noplace. American Anthropologist 121 (4): 830-844.
- Schnegg, M. and Kiaka, R.D., 2019. The Economic Value of Water: The Contradicitions and Consequences of a Prominent Development Model in Namibia. Economic Anthropology 6(2): 264-276.
- Bollig, M. 2018. Afterword: Anthropology, Climate Change and Social-Ecological Transformations. Sociologus 68: 85-94.
- Kiaka, R.D. 2018. Environmental (In)Justice in Namibia: Costs and Benefits of Community-based Water and Wildlife Management. Hamburg: Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Carl von Ossietzky.
- Schnegg, M. 2018. Institutional Multiplexity: Social Networks and Community-based Natural Resource Management. Sustainability Science 13 (4): 1017-1030.
- Schnegg, M., and Kiaka, R.D. 2018. Subsidized Elephants: Community-based Resource Governance and Environmental (In)justice in Namibia. Geoforum 93: 105-115.
- Linke T. 2017. Kooperation unter Unsicherheit: Institutionelle Reformen und kommunale Wassernutzung im Nordwesten Namibias. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
- Menestrey Schwieger, DA. 2017. The Pump Keeps on Running: On the Emergence of Water Management Institutions between State Decentralization and Local Practices in Northern Kunene. Lit Verlag. Berlin.
- Bollig, M. 2016. Towards an Arid Eden? Boundary Making, Governance and Benefit Sharing and the Political Ecology of the “new commons” of Kunene Region, Northern Namibia. International Journal of the Commons 10 (2): 771–799.
- Bollig, M., and Olwage, E. 2016. The Political Ecology of Hunting in Namibia’s Kaokoveld: From Dorsland Trekkers’ Elephant Hunts to Trophy-hunting in contemporary Conservancies. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 34 (1): 61 -79.
- Kelbert, T. 2016. Encounters at the Water Point: An Ethnography of the Travelling Model of Community-based Water Management and its Application to Rural Water Supply in Namibia. Dissertation. Universität zu Köln.
- Schnegg M. 2016. Collective Foods: Situating Food on the Continuum of Private-Common Property Regimes. Current Anthropology 57 (5): 683-689.
- Schnegg M. 2016. Lost in Translation: State Policies and Micro-politics of Water Governance in Namibia. Human Ecology 44 (2): 245-255.
- Schnegg M., Bollig M. 2016. Institutions Put to the Test: Community-based Water Management in Namibia During a Drought. Journal of Arid Environments 124: 62-71.
- Schnegg M., Bollig M., Linke T. 2016. Moral Equality and Success of Common-pool Water Governance in Namibia. Ambio 45 (5): 581-590.
- Schnegg M., Linke T. 2016. Travelling Models of Participation: Global Ideas and Local Translations of Water Management in Namibia. International Journal of the Commons 10 (2): 800-820.
- Menestrey Schwieger, DA. 2015. An Ethnographic Analysis of the Role of Power in Institutional Arrangements: Borehole Cost Recovery within a Pastoral Community in North-Western Namibia. Environmental Policy and Governance 25: 258-269.
- Schnegg, M. 2015. Reciprocity on Demand. Sharing and Exchanging Food in Northwestern Namibia. Human Nature 26 (3): 313-330.
- Schnegg M., Linke T. 2015. Living Institutions: Sharing and Sanctioning Water among Pastoralists in Namibia. World Development 68: 205-214.
- Bollig M., Menestrey Schwieger, DA. 2014. Fragmentation, Cooperation and Power: Institutional Dynamics in Natural Resource Governance in North-Western Namibia. Human Ecology 42: 167-181.
- Schnegg, M. 2014. Anthropology and Comparison: Methodological Challenges and Tentative Solutions. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139: 55-72.
- Bollig, M., M. Schnegg & H.-P. Wotzka (ed.). 2013. Pastoralism in Africa. Past, present and future. New York / Oxford: Berghahn Books.